Labors of Love

Charitable Outreach Ministry

What is “Labors of Love”?

It’s an outreach ministry for men to help our communities through targeted works of charity. There are children of God in every community who are suffering, and some of that suffering can be cured through simple acts of love. Raking leaves, fixing a leak, sealing a drafty window…these are all ways we can express our love to others in very tangible ways. Before Jesus gave his Sermon on The Mount, He made sure His people were first fed. He didn’t want them to be distracted by their own physical hunger, so that they could be spiritually fed. He first met their physical needs, then He spoke to their spiritual ones. In order to reach the most vulnerable in our communities, often the ones who need to hear the Gospels the most, we must allow ourselves to be a personal witness to God’s goodness and love so that they may receive His Word more freely. They need to hear that we love them, and we’re here for them. Just as we’re called to be a personal witness to others, so often the most vulnerable in society can be a powerful witness to us. We’re not looking to simply solve everyone’s personal problems, but to walk with all those who are willing so that we may grow in Faith, Love, and Hope together. We’re hoping to build community, and one devoted to Jesus Christ.

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